I am Allen
Lacy, the main purpose of this page is to publish the genealogy of my
family. Therefore any place, one of the people in the tree is mentioned
there is a link to their spot in the tree.

You can read about my search
if you wish. The earliest Lacy ancestor I have is my 7th
great-grandfather, Thomas Lacy,
who immigrated to Virginia from Wales some time between 1680-1685. He
settled in that part of New Kent County which years later was cut off into
Hanover County. At that time it was on the frontier in an area of
scattered settlements.

This Thomas Lacy is credited with being the
progenitor of a long and prolific line of Lacys. His decendants live in
almost every state of the Union. This branch is considered to be the
largest of any of the pioneer Lacy families of Virginia.

This information is from Dr. Elton Lacey's book
"The William Lacy and Elliott Lacy Families of New Kent and
Chesterfield Counties, Virginia."
My Family Tree

The HTML version of the Family Tree was created on
6-Apr-1997. It contains 617 families, and 1,785 individuals. It was
converted to HTML with GED2HTML
v3.0. The tree has graphic buttons, and information about sources and
You can access the family tree in the
following ways: