Surname Springboard
Submission Form

If you have a page with Family tree information in HTML format and would like it added to the Surname Springboard, then fill out the following form and press the "Submit" Button.

Your name:

(Do not hit return)

Email Address:

Name of Your Page

URL of Your Page:

Since the Surname Springboard is a list of pages this is required, invalid URL's or missing URLS will not be added. Also pages without a HTML version of family tree information will not be added .

Up to 16 surnames to be placed on the Springboard.

  If a surname has multi spelling you can enter them all with  slashes between them.  Example "Lacy/Lacey"

Any comments or notes to me. (They will not be added to the Springboard):

    I visit each page  and verified that it has a HTML version of family tree Information. Qualifing pages will be added to the 58 pages already on the Surname Springboard on the next update, which is scheduled for Jan 23, 2002
    If more than one submission is made for the same page, the last one will be used.
    If any problems are found with the information, then the page is not added. If I have time I will send and e-mail on the problem. If you feel that your page does meet the requirements but was not added, send an E-mail to