My Father's Brothers and Sisters1940
This picture was taken sometime in 1940. It is of my grandparents and their children. From left to right. William Alonzo Lacy "Uncle Will A.", to his right and back is Presley J. Brannon Lacy "Uncle Presley", then back to the front is my father, Johnnie Burns Lacy, his twin sister, Janie Caroline Lacy "Aunt Janie", then to her right with his eyes closed is Preston C. Thaxton Lacy "Uncle Preston", then back to the front is Dora Ozelle Lacy "Aunt Ozelle", next is my grandmother Annie Melissa Mason, and grandfather Thomas Alonzo Lacy, finally there is Melissa Odessa Lacy "Aunt Odessa".
This picture was taken in 1976. It is of my father, his brothers and sisters and their spouses. From left to right, Joseph Hampton Morris "Uncle Joe", his wife, Melissa Odessa Lacy "Aunt Odessa", Joseph Bookter Brand Jr. "Uncle Joe", his wife Dora Ozelle Lacy "Aunt Ozelle", Gertrude Hendrix "Aunt Gertrude" and her husband Presley J. Brannon Lacy "Uncle Presley", my father's twin sister Janie Caroline Lacy "Aunt Janie", hiding behind her with only his legs and one shoulder showing is her husband Theodore R. Waters "Uncle Pete", Preston C. Thaxton Lacy, "Uncle Preston", his wife Louise Pruitt "Aunt Louise" is the woman with only her head showing, next is my father Johnnie Burns Lacy, and finally my mother Hester Louise Smith. |
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