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Purpose![]() This is page 4 of the "Surname Springboard." The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive listing of surname genealogy sites which have "Indexed" Family Trees on them. It is dedicated to researchers who have placed their genealogy data on-line to be viewed by other genealogists. Thanks to all who have contributed their Home Page Listings to make this site successful. There is more information on the first page. ![]() |
151 | At Home on the Web with Chrisbry | Bryant, Hester, Smith, Nicholson, Wallace, Atkinson, Jones, Eatinger |
152 | At Home | Tippett, Foresta, France, Caito, Sullivan |
153 | Atkins Family History | Atkins |
154 | Atkinson Family Epistle | Atkinson, Baird, Brooks, Cotterill, Hobbs, Loftus, Moore, Moss, Pease, Pound, Reeve, Tombs |
155 | Atkinson Family Tree | Atkinson |
156 | AtkinsonSurname Resource Page | Atkinson |
157 | Atteberry Family Genealogy | Atteberry, Beadles, Moorehead, Taylor, Randall, McCracken, Hull, Barton |
158 | The Attridge/Lloyd Geneaology | Attridge, Atteridg, Lloyd, Carroll, Rothwell, Murphy, McCarthy |
159 | Atwood/Eagles/Fackrell/Reaves/Reid | Atwood, Moss, Eagles, Reaves |
160 | Audrey's Genealogy | Ackley, Rutledge, Baird, Sollars, Carsey, Windt, Dains, Dollison, Douglas, Hager/Heger, LeMay |
161 | Auger Family Surname Association | Auger/Augur/Aunger/Audger/Augier, Augar/Anger/Angier/Odger, Augir/Ogier/Auge' |
162 | August's genealogy Page | Craen/Craene, Craanen/Craan/Craane, Cranen/Crane, Kraen/Krane, Kraanen/Kraan/Kraane, Kranen/Krane, van der Craen, van der Kraanen/van der Kraan, Nachtegaal, De Vries, Verkerk/Verkerck |
163 | Aussies Down Under - Our Family Tree | Wilson, Wenman, Wheeler, Thistleton, Thatcher, Saunders, Rooney, McNeill, Jefferies, Haines, Dunne, Darnes, Craig, Corban, Cather, Bassmann |
164 | The Austill/Austell Family Genealogy Page | Austill, Austell, Beach, Riley, Frick, Chambers |
165 | Austin Minson Merger | Austin, Morris, Roumillat, Bicknell, Minson, Boswell, Winfrey, Sublett |
166 | Auvenshine Family Tree | Auvenshine, Welch, Beaty, Looper, Howeth, Miller, Abendschon |
167 | Auxier Tickel Genealogy | Auxier, Tickell, Tickel, Prater, Tickle, Brown, Roberson, Lineberry |
168 | Axsom Association of America Companion Page | Axsom |
169 | B M J Major Family History Home Page | Major, Kent, Ryan, Shaughnessy, Edwards, Allsopp/Alsop/Allsop, Lucas, Thomas, Swift, Rosbach |
170 | B.J. Bear's Window to the World | Bunting, Johnson, Masterson, Virden, Waters, Huff, Tinckham |
171 | The Baalham family page | Baalham, Cole, Dumbleton, Jackson, Leach, Leech, Miller, Rouse, Watts |
172 | Bab's Place on the Internet | Rhodes, Bassler, Brubaker, Selwitz, Stom, Burket, Closson, Stonerook |
173 | Babbitt Genealogy | Bobet/Babbit/Babbitt, Reed/Read/Reade |
174 | Baby Boomin Boyds - BBB | Lundy, Self, Scott, Magouirk, Hurst, White, Clements, Boyer |
175 | Back Home in Indiana | Starnes/Stearns, Kilpatrick, Holtsclaw/Holtzclaw, Watson, Dragich/Drogich, Symmonds, Wright, Martindale, Wood, Hicks, Maynard, Edwards, Shanks, Farren, Smiley, Carmichael |
176 | Back Through History | Ertel/Ertle, Aveis, Moorhead, Pennington, Thompson, Balzer, Ward, Poletta/Palletti, Raymond, Taylor |
177 | @Backup | Phares, Ferris, Pheris, Faris, Pharis, Fares, Phelan, Farrell |
178 | Bacon Geneology | Bacon, Comfort, Adams, Clark, Mann, Morse, Pratt, Rice, Richardson, Smith, Trowbridge, Underwood, Wilson, Wood |
179 | BaiCon Genealogy | Bailey, Conley, Cole, Auxier, Calhoun, Runyon, Trusty |
180 | Baker Genealogy: Martin and Hannah Clark Baker of Colonial VA. | Baker, Clark, Colquitt, Sneed, Hicks, Griffith, Peavler |
181 | Balkwill | Balkwill, Tanton, Madge, Olver, Walkeden, Kerr, Traschel, Ritchie |
182 | Balshaw Name Web Site | Balshaw, Belshaw, Bolshaw, Riddiough, Mossop, Penn |
183 | The Bandy Family History | Bandy, Lancaster, Triplett, Brown, Dowell, Jordon, Adkisson |
184 | The Banyan Tree | Acres/Akers, Asbury, Blackburn, Branham, Felty, Goodbread/Gutbrodt, Halley, Hitchcock, Mead/Meade, Preston, Price, Ramey/Remy, Rhodes, Rice, Salyer/Sallier, Arthur |
185 | Bar NZ Ranch | Hall, King, Wilson, Dubray, Steele, Wilson, Evans, Quimby, Butler, Hoyt, Whiteman, Mountain-Chief, Evans |
186 | Barb Little's Home Page | Little, Noakes/Nokes/Knox, Dale, Boyle, Coske/CoskiKoske, DeBruyne, DeClerck, DeMuynck/DeMinck, McCloskey/McCluskey, McCartney, Newkirk, Barnhill, Connelly/Conley, Gorman, Walsh, Donnelly |
187 | Barbara Parker's Home Page | Voss, Parker, Smoyer, Carman, Burke/Bourke, Savitz/Sevits |
188 | Barbara's Ct & Pa Connections | Minnick/Menig/Minnich, Applegate, Seeley, Johnson, Brewster, Jones, Santee, Beisel, Johnson, Welton, Tolles, Upson, Benninger, Sanford |
189 | Barbara's Genealogy Garden | Till, Vaughan, Majors, Rain, Wagnon, Ward, Kirkland, Harris |
190 | Barbara's Genealogy Page | Fraley, Stacy, Froelich, Coursey, Hays, Peters , Hall, Williams |
191 | Barbara's Genealogy Shop Page | Hutchinson/Hutcheson/Hutchison, Hutcherson/Hutchingson/Hutchenson, Cline, Fishburn |
192 | Barbee's Tree House | Balsley, Goodwin, Hartzell, Ansell, Smith, Twist, Messinger, Martin, Collins |
193 | The Barge/Tisdale Genealogy Home Page | Barge, Tisdale, Tilley, Snodgrass, Squyres, Cantu, Roach, Maginnis, Zappa, Powell, Barlow, Bland, Privette, Cryer, Martin, Fox |
194 | Barger Family History Society | Barger |
195 | BARKER FAMILY HISTORY | Barker, Brown, Parker, Watts, Humble, Donnelly |
196 | Barnes Families in North Carolina | Barnes |
197 | BARNHARTS FROM PA TO TEXAS | Barnhart, Lange, Bixler, Prowls, Zerbe, Blue |
198 | Barnhouse Branches, A Surname Resource Center | Barnhouse/Bornhaus |
199 | Barnsley Family Home Page | Barnsley, Field, Medhurst, Collins, Willson, James, Merrifield, Mitchell, Yerex, Spring, Wyatt |
200 | The Barrass Clan | Barrass, Murray, Cain, McLean, Davis |
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